Richmond City Nature Challenge Update

Great job everyone!

There are lots of wonderful observations being made! It looks like the weather is in our favour with some welcomed sunshine!

The City Nature Challenge continues until this Monday at midnight! That means you can make as many observations as you can and upload them when possible until that time. If you are having trouble with identification that is ok! There are lots of users in the iNaturalist community that can help with identification once your observation is uploaded!

Observation tips!

  1. You can submit up to 4 pictures within one observation, this allows you to take pictures from different angles of a plant/animal help with identification. Check out this very useful guide for information:
  2. To be more efficient, you can take pictures on your device while in the field and then upload them to iNaturalist later at home to maximize your photo taking time
  3. Stop, Look and Listen! Many plants and animals can be easily overlooked while your are passing through an area (yesterday I just missed a snake that was right in front of me that I didn't see until it slithered into the forest!). Listening also helps you to notice animals that you cannot yet see such as chirping birds and buzzing insects.

You are all doing a wonderful job! Spread the word if you can so that we can get as many observations as possible!

If there are any questions, or excited discoveries please post in the comments below!

Our contributors!

@ladybug108 @johndreynolds @warren38 @dabee @perry_c @susan_chai@lanie8 @camillelaihm @jm2021 @tobyye @earthtochristie @karevaradharaj @clementine_cheng @angelina_yang @claypot
@amy_lee7788 @avoracado @pineapple_1 @seekdeb @chriscorrigan @michaellane1 @jasons995
@soilandfood @laniemetrovan @cando1066 @kristinekoster @cloreally

Posted on May 1, 2021 08:23 PM by naturewithneill naturewithneill


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