2022 CNC Done and Dusted - except for the identifications.

Well done Cape Town.
I dont think that we can match La Paz!! They did superbly and I suspect have raised the bar going forward. Congratulations La Paz!
I trust that you had fun and an exciting City Nature Challenge.

Two things now!

Finish Uploading

If you have any outstanding observations, now is the time to upload them. Please try and finish these on Tuesday and Wednesday, so that the ID teams can get working on them.
You do have until the 8th of May to finish uploading, but if you are a high-end user, we do need your help with the identifications please. So please prioritize this: we will need your ID skills soonest.

Initial Identifications

It is time to start with the identifications. Stage 1 is to clear the unidentified observations.

  1. Please dont bother to ID something as a Plant - you are just wasting time. If you know the family or genus of the plant, then please make an ID, otherwise just skip it for someone else to ID. Identifying Birds, Mammals, Fungi, Frogs, Fish and Reptiles is great (just not "Plants"). This is Blitz ID time, and with 51,000 Identifications to make, dont spend more than 10 seconds on an observation.
  2. Identify as fine as you know. Family, Tribe, Genus, species, subspecies. Just skip what you dont know, above the level of Family in plants.
  3. Use the curation tool. It is fast and efficient and supercool. This is how it works: https://vimeo.com/246153496 - it is a 2 minute refresher or tutorial, and worth the time taken to look at it.
  4. Remember to FAVE any observation that you think should be included in the running for "Observation of the CNC 2022 CT." Just the best of the best please.

So here we are: at these please::
Top Priority: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?quality_grade=any&project_id=city-nature-challenge-2022-city-of-cape-town&lrank=epifamily&place_id=any&page=5
Top Priority Marine: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?quality_grade=any&project_id=city-nature-challenge-2022-city-of-cape-town&lrank=epifamily&place_id=138786&page=2
There are 16,000 of these. Please tackle them with a vengeance. We need these identified to a level where the experts, specialists and enthusiasts can take them further.

In groups other than plants, teams can get starting to species level - these need ID to Research Grade please:
Birds - 674: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?quality_grade=casual%2Cneeds_id&iconic_taxa=Aves&project_id=city-nature-challenge-2022-city-of-cape-town
Mammals - 247: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?quality_grade=casual%2Cneeds_id&iconic_taxa=Mammalia&project_id=city-nature-challenge-2022-city-of-cape-town
Herps - 69: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?quality_grade=casual%2Cneeds_id&iconic_taxa=Reptilia%2CAmphibia&project_id=city-nature-challenge-2022-city-of-cape-town
Fish: - 164: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?quality_grade=casual%2Cneeds_id&iconic_taxa=Actinopterygii&project_id=city-nature-challenge-2022-city-of-cape-town
Spiders - 514 : https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?quality_grade=casual%2Cneeds_id&iconic_taxa=Arachnida&project_id=city-nature-challenge-2022-city-of-cape-town
Snails - 721: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?quality_grade=casual%2Cneeds_id&iconic_taxa=Mollusca&project_id=city-nature-challenge-2022-city-of-cape-town
Insects - 1893: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?quality_grade=casual%2Cneeds_id&iconic_taxa=Insecta&project_id=city-nature-challenge-2022-city-of-cape-town

Fungi: -532L https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?quality_grade=needs_id%2Ccasual&iconic_taxa=Fungi&project_id=city-nature-challenge-2022-city-of-cape-town

Posted on May 3, 2022 07:38 AM by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


Current Situation: IDs needed and (total)
Birds - 674: (3,329)
Mammals - 247: (520)
Herps - 69: (736)
Fish: - 164: (206)
Spiders - 514 : (681)
Snails - 721: (1,015)
Insects - 1893: (2,424)

Fungi: 532: (563)

The current situation overall is (@ 9 am Tuesday):
No IDs: 16,000
Vague IDs: 2,920
ID to Family: 2,008
ID to Genus: 7,300
ID to species: 13,547
ID research grade: 8,772
ID as casual: 5,397 (planted and captive)

Posted by tonyrebelo almost 2 years ago

Can you check your insects link please? It goes to Unknown.

Posted by dianastuder almost 2 years ago

thanks: fixed ...

Posted by tonyrebelo almost 2 years ago

Current Situation at 22h00 Tuesday
Birds - 464: (3,704)
Mammals - 272: (595)
Herps - 40: (766)
Fish: - 162: (252)
Spiders - 512 : (715)
Snails - 922: (1,205)
Insects - 1,913: (2,637)

Fungi: 569: (603)

The current situation overall is (@ 22:00 Tuesday):
No IDs: 16,284
Vague IDs: 3,039
ID to Family: 2,182
ID to Genus: 8,207
ID to species - needs ID: 12,056
ID research grade: 10,707
ID as casual: 5,058 (planted and captive)

Posted by tonyrebelo almost 2 years ago

Picking thru the last 8K Unknowns. Hoping to find another treasure like the Table Mountain strawberry spider.


Posted by dianastuder almost 2 years ago

Why only 10 per page?

Posted by tonyrebelo almost 2 years ago

Fits my laptop screen and I can skim all 10 in one glance. Then open the interesting ones.

Posted by dianastuder almost 2 years ago

Current Situation at 08h00 Thursday (unidentified still increasing - not yet in specialist ID phase)

Birds - 276: (4,257)
Mammals - 199: (660)
Herps - 29: (833)
Fish: - 176: (330)
Spiders - 555 : (789)
Snails - 908: (1,473)
Insects - 2,021: (2,877)

Fungi: 633: (668)
Monocots: 3,363 (5,036)
Dicots: 13,330 (21,164)

The current situation overall is (@ 08:00 Thursday):

No IDs: 15,351
Vague IDs: 3,266
ID to Family: 2,449
ID to Genus: 8,275
ID to species - needs ID: 12,917
ID research grade: 13,954
ID as casual: 5,973 (planted and captive)

Posted by tonyrebelo almost 2 years ago

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