

Project has launched!

We're ready for your photos! We are interested in any photos of nudibranchs eating, living on, or laying eggs on any type of coral, hard or soft. They can be from any time and from anywhere in the world, as long as you have a rough idea of the location, such as the nearest island. Let's get the data flowing!

Posted on April 25, 2017 09:37 PM by allisonfp allisonfp | 3 comments | Leave a comment

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The purpose of this iNaturalist project is to gather information from divers and snorkelers around the world on the diversity, ecology, and distribution of coral-specialized nudibranchs.

Many nudibranchs have very specific requirements for food and habitat. In some cases, such as with coral-feeding nudibranchs, their food IS their habitat. These nudibranchs have even evolved ...more ↓

allisonfp created this project on March 08, 2017
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