An Urban BioBlitz!

Dear friends - Please come to the BioBlitz at Flood Park on September 28 (information above). This small county park has quite a few unexpected treasures within, from under-explored edges to a profusion of oak habitat rare for San Mateo county. Unlike most BioBlitzes, this one involves no hiking, no elevation changes, few-to-no natural hazards, and no time limits pushing you away from interesting sightings: in other words, a no sweat blitz!

This is an ideal BioBlitz for inviting your friends who have been curious about this activity, or youngsters looking for a starter blitz. Many of the pathways in the park are even paved, so this is genuinely ADA accessible, too.

Hope to see many of you here.

Posted on September 21, 2019 06:45 PM by gyrrlfalcon gyrrlfalcon


Posted by gyrrlfalcon almost 5 years ago

Thanks, I’ll do my best to help ID since I’ll be heading to HI that day.

Posted by catchang almost 5 years ago

Sorry, I'll be out of town...

Posted by merav almost 5 years ago

Thank you so much for the invitation! I already have an obligation that day but please keep me in the loop for any future bioblitzes.

Posted by rjadams55 almost 5 years ago

I might be able to make it. Will confirm later this week!

Posted by clem almost 5 years ago
Posted by gyrrlfalcon almost 5 years ago

Thanks for the invitation. I have other plans already. Have fun.

Posted by wildmarin almost 5 years ago

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