
Animalia Chordata Vertebrata Amphibia Anura Bufonidae Atelopus Atelopus nocturnus

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Geographic Range

This species is known only from the type locality in the northern Cordillera Central, Municipio de Anorí, Departamento de Antioquia, Colombia, ca 1,670-1,875 m asl (Bravo-Valencia and Rivera-Correa 2011). It is currently known only from a range of less than 10 km2 [which is taken as a proxy for both extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO)] despite exhaustive searches for over five years (M. Rivera-Correa pers. comm. August 2014 in Colombia....).


This species is known only from the type locality in the northern Cordillera Central, Municipio de Anorí, Departamento de Antioquia, Colombia, ca.1670 meters above sea level (see Bravo-Valencia and Rivera-Correa 2011). This might occur more widely.

Posted by mauriciorivera79 almost 10 years ago
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The population status is unknown. This is a relatively newly described species which had not been recorded since its discovery in 2003, until its recent rediscovery in 2007 (see Bravo-Valencia and Rivera-Correa 2011). Only a dozen individuals have been found in spite of exhaustive searches conducted over five years (M. Rivera-Correa pers. comm. August 2014 in Colombia....).


The population status is unknown. This is a relatively newly described species which had not been recorded since its discovery in 2003, until its recent rediscovery in 2007 (see Bravo-Valencia and Rivera-Correa 2011).

Posted by mauriciorivera79 almost 10 years ago
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The habitat is composed of remnant secondary very humid pre-montane forest with a high abundance of arboreal ferns, bromeliads and other epiphytes. The annual mean temperature varies from 18 to 24 ºC, with 4,000 to 8,000 mm of annual precipitation (Gutiérrez-Cardenas 2002).


The habitat of A. nocturnus is composed of remnant secondary very humid pre-montane forest with
a high abundance of arboreal ferns, bromeliads and other epiphytes. The annual mean temperature varies from 18
to 24 ºC, with 4000 to 8000 mm of annual precipitation (Gutiérrez-Cardenas 2002).

Posted by mauriciorivera79 almost 10 years ago
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Use Trade

There are no reports of this species being utilized.



Posted by mauriciorivera79 almost 10 years ago
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There are several active threats in the region, e.g. habitat fragmentation and inundation by the Porce III-IV basin hydroelectric project near the type locality. The major threat is likely to be chytridiomycosis, a factor implicated in catastrophic population declines in many montane species of Atelopus. Habitat loss due to water contamination from silviculture and agriculture, could be the major threats to the species (M. Rivera-Correa pers. comm. August 2014 in ...).


Atelopus nocturnus is currently known only from a range of less than 10 km2 and a dozen individuals despite exhaustive searches for more than five years. Additionally, several threats are acting, e.g. habitat fragmentation and inundation by the Porce III-IV basin hydroelectric project near to the type locality.

Posted by mauriciorivera79 almost 10 years ago
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Specific Threats

  • 7.2.4 Abstraction of surface water (unknown use)
  • 8.1.2 Named species


The major threat is likely to be chytridiomycosis, a factor implicated in catastrophic population declines in many montane species of Atelopus. Habitat loss due to water contamination from silviculture and agriculture, could be the major threats to the species.

Posted by mauriciorivera79 almost 10 years ago
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Conservation Actions

It is found in "El Arrierito Antioqueño", a protected private reserve.


Their populations are located within from "El Arrierito Antioqueño" a protected private reserve.

Posted by mauriciorivera79 almost 10 years ago
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Specific Actions



    Posted by mauriciorivera79 almost 10 years ago
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    Red List Rationale

    Listed as Critically Endangered given that it is currently is known only from an extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) of less than 10 km2, it is known from one location, and there is ongoing habitat fragmentation loss and inundation by the Porce III-IV basin hydroelectric project near to the type locality.


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    • Bravo-Valencia, L., and Rivera-Correa, M. 2011. A new species of harlequin frog (Bufonidae: Atelopus) with an unusual behavior from Andes of Colombia. Zootaxa: 57-67.


    Bravo-Valencia, L. and M. Rivera-Correa. 2011. A new species of harlequin frog (Bufonidae: Atelopus) with an unusual behavior from Andes of Colombia. Zootaxa 3045: 57–67

    Gutiérrez-Cardenas, P.D.A. 2002. Plan de manejo ambiental para el área de manejo especial La Forzosa. Corporacion
    Autonoma Regional del Centro de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.

    Posted by mauriciorivera79 almost 10 years ago
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