Community science opportunity: Ground-Nesting Bees

Researchers at Cornell are seeking your help to better understand and protect the nests of solitary, gentle, ground-nesting bees. Even though 90% of bees are solitary and 70% of bees nest in the ground, knowledge about solitary ground-nesting bees is lacking. This project will study how factors like soil characteristics affect these bee populations, which will help us learn how to protect and improve nesting habitat for bees that provide crucial pollination services. By promoting nesting sites for native bees, we can enhance ecosystem and agricultural sustainability and resilience.

To participate, add your observations to the iNaturalist with your picture(s) of a ground-nesting bee and its nest entrance, ideally showing a bee entering or exiting the nest. Past observations are accepted! Also, visit a previously reported aggregation in your area and experience your local biology. Look for nest entrances in grass or soil from early spring to late summer.

Learn more at

Posted on May 22, 2023 01:57 PM by jordan_kue jordan_kue


Hello, great initiative!
Below are some observations with records of stingless bee (Meliponini) nests built on the ground.

Posted by aranda87 5 months ago

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