Summer has brought out the moon (jellies, that is).

Moon jellies (Aurelia sp.) have been reported coming from the southeast this month. This species is known to bloom (i.e., a very large population increase in a short time), so keep an eye out for more of them to come! Moon jellies can be identified by the four distinctive oval gonads visible through the bell. Please let the HKJP know if you see them!

本月,我們收到報告指海月水母(Aurelia sp.)從東南方游來。這品種的特點是會「繁生」(即在短時間大量繁殖),因此要留意,很可能將會發現更多蹤跡!海月水母最易辨認的特徵是從鐘形身體中清晰可見的四塊橢圓形性腺。若你發現到牠們,記得報告給香港水母普查!

Posted on July 30, 2021 07:39 AM by johnt77 johnt77


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