Enhance Your Walks in the LBA Woods

Our project to document the biodiversity in the LBA Woods is humming along, but it seems the right time to starting singing! The miles of trails in this 133-acre City of Olympia, Washington, park have been very popular during the various phases of the Stay Home-Stay Healthy orders during the COIVD-19 pandemic. We are lucky that our parks are open and that the LBA Woods is there to help restore and maintain our community's mental, physical, and emotional well-being. What would we do without all the trees, plants, and birds to enjoy day after day, season after season.

If you've been a regular visitor to the LBA Woods--joining our iNaturalist project is a great way to add purpose to your walks, sharpen your observation skills, "edu-tain" your kids, and help the Friends of LBA Woods Stewardship Group document the biodiversity in this mature upland forest.

You'll notice on this page that we've recorded over 100 different species so far (mostly trees and flowering plants) but there are many many more out there. We'd love your help with the lesser-known mosses, lichen, fungi, birds, and insects. The more we understand the lifeforms in this forest, the better we can protect it through restoration and stewardship activities.

Winter is a great time to enjoy the relatively simpler, quieter forest. It won't be long before the Osoberry begins to leaf out, the migrating songbirds appear, and the LBA Woods becomes the beautiful riot of life.

Posted on December 13, 2020 10:23 PM by mariamuddruth mariamuddruth


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