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Todaro, M. Antonio & Hummon, W.. (2008). An overview and a dichotomous key to genera of the phylum Gastrotricha. Meiofauna Marina. 16. 3-20. (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/236021984_An_overview_and_a_dichotomous_key_to_genera_of_the_phylum_Gastrotricha)
iNat user: ypna
Synopses of the British Fauna Series.: British Freshwater Ciliate Protozoa (volumes I and II) by C. R. Curds. These are out of print, but can be found at used book sellers.
Foissner's key of indicator ciliate species is very good, but it can give too much confidence at the species level, so usually it is best to back off a taxon level:
(it is one among several available from his site: http://www.wfoissner.at/publications.htm)
For identifying algae, these are superb (only I and II are complete thus far):
Freshwater Algae in Northwest Washington, Volume I, Cyanobacteria
Freshwater Algae in Northwest Washington, Volume II, Chlorophyta and Rhodophyta
iNat user: shanesmicroscope
Amoebozoa, especially Testate amoebas https://www.arcella.nl/
Catenulidae: The Catenula of the Eastern United States
John W. Nuttycombe
More Catenulidae including a key to genus:
Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Catenulida (Platyhelminthes) with Emphasis on the Swedish Fauna KAROLINA LARSSON
iNat user: jane_trembath
In addition to some already mentioned, here are my go-to websites:
http://protist.i.hosei.ac.jp/Protist_menuE.html -
http://www.digicodes.info/index.html - desmids
http://cfb.unh.edu/phycokey/phycokey.htm - algae
and red herrings (University of New Hampshire)
http://www.cfb.unh.edu/cfbkey/html/index.html - zooplankton (University of New Hampshire)
My go-to books for algae and diatoms (if you can find them):
1) Diatoms of North America by William C. Vinyard (1979) Mad River Press. - ISBN 0-916-422-15-1
2) How to Know the Freshwater Algae (3rd edition) by G. W. Prescott (1978) Wm.C. Brown Co. Publishers - ISBN 0-697-04754
3) Common Freshwater Algae of the United States, 2. revised edition by Gary E. Dillard (2008) J.Cramer Berlin Stuttgart - IBSN 978-3-443-5003-7
iNat user: mnold1
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