NMW 2018 - registration now open

National Moth Week 2018 will be held from Saturday, July 21 to Sunday, July 29.
Registration is now open - click here for information and to register your mothing.

Posted on January 9, 2018 10:03 AM by hkmoths hkmoths


Hi Roger,

for info the link to more information and to register is currently not connecting

but what I really want to know is should one post only moths photographed during the set week in July or simply post what photos we have from any time which have not been previously posted? July's a pretty quiet time in my part of the world being mid winter

Posted by tuli about 6 years ago

With just a few days to go, I hope everyone has registered their public or private event.
For those of you new to iNaturalist, and not sure how to go about submitting observations, please do check the getting started page for assistance.

Remember to (a) stay safe and (b) have fun.
Appreciate that there still are moths on the one planet that we know is home to life in any form, and that we have to share this planet with all these species, because we can't live without them, though they can get along just nicely without us.....

Posted by hkmoths about 6 years ago

@tuli - anything posted that is observed during the NMW week is great, and please tag it under the Observation Field as "National Moth Week 2018" please to make sure it stands out from the many observations added to the project that were not observed during the NMW week.

Posted by hkmoths about 6 years ago

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