North America Bioblitz's Journal

October 30, 2020


Welcome! Do you live in Virginia? Do you visit often? Either way, you can take part in this bioblitz! The Virginia Bioblitz is a project where naturalists can post observations that were seen in Virginia. The ID limits are "Needs ID" and "Research Grade". The species are unlimited. Anything from plants to animals, from birds to mammals, the amount of wildlife that you can observe is endless. Good luck!

Posted on October 30, 2020 01:43 PM by imladris imladris | 0 comments | Leave a comment

October 29, 2020


Do you want a job? We're hiring all the time! This post will feature new jobs as soon as they are available. The ones that ARE available are below:

Identifier: This job is for skilled identifiers who examine evidence in observations to help identify them. Rules: You must have identified at least twenty observations. If you would like this job, I will check your profile to make sure that you have.

Owner Substitute: This job is for people who would like to be a substitute for me when I am unable to manage the project for certain reasons e.g. trip. Rules: You can't change the settings that I have applied. You can only put up journal posts that may be deleted when I am available. If you have any questions about other privileges, then you can just comment.

Those are all the jobs that are available so far.

Posted on October 29, 2020 10:56 PM by imladris imladris | 0 comments | Leave a comment
