Rare peacock spider photographed- BundabergNow

A nice little write-up in the news this week about Peacock Spiders of Australia contributor Laz and his marvellous photos of M. nigromaculatus-

"Using a keen eye and his macro lens, which can reproduce small objects at up to 0.5x life size on a camera’s imaging sensor, Laurence has been able to capture photos of a rare spider, with a vivid blue abdomen known as the maratus nigromaculatus, at Gin Gin.

Laurence said this species had only been recorded in Rockhampton and Brisbane before; he was chuffed with his find it in the Bundaberg Region."

If you'd like to investigate more about where you can find these tiny beauties have a look at the map on our project page!


Posted on June 8, 2019 12:06 AM by amy_d amy_d


Laurence Sanders photostream at Flickr:
Donna Sanders:

Posted by dustaway almost 5 years ago

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