City Nature Challenge 2018

Here is a word from our partners Texas and Parks Wildlife Department:

Which City is the Wildest?

Cities around the world will compete on April 27 – 30, 2018 to see which urban area has the most nature and the most engaged residents! This City Nature Challenge will include more than 60 cities from 17 countries around the world including 7 metro areas here in Texas: Amarillo, Austin, Dallas/Fort Worth, El Paso, Houston, Lower Rio Grande Valley, and San Antonio.

If you live in or around one of these areas, show the world just how much nature we have here in Texas! It’s easy to participate by joining an event or making observations on your own using the iNaturalist app. Take a picture of a wild animal, plant, or fungi, upload it to iNaturalist (, and the online community will help you accurately identify the species. We will also need help May 1-3, 2018 with identifications on iNaturalist, so no matter where you are in the world, share your Texas nature knowledge to help make this project a success.

Texas Parks and Wildlife, the Texas Master Naturalists, the Audubon Society, and many others in Texas will be joining this fun challenge. The data generated from this event will help researchers, land managers, and policy makers, so please participate! How will we measure up to other cities around the world?

Go to or to watch the Texas leaderboard or learn more about how you can participate. You can also contact the Texas Nature Trackers program at with any questions. Let’s find some nature!

Posted on April 2, 2018 06:57 PM by san_antonio_river_authority san_antonio_river_authority


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