Shark Watch an exciting new tool to share and collect knowledge about sharks

We are excited to share and collect information on sharks through the iNaturalist community with Shark Watch. We are adding human shark encounters, information on sharks in our shark tagging study in the San Francisco Bay and collecting observations of local sharks in the San Francisco Bay and adjoining Pacific waters.

This program will help the non profit Sea Stewards and the Shark Stewards project collect information on understanding and how to protect local sharks as well as raise information internationally.

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Posted on April 19, 2013 10:35 PM by sharksteward sharksteward


Great work, Dave!

You are welcome to share in any of the data we have collected in the Shark Observation Network, here:

Select 'Only Those with Photos' criterion for confirmed sightings on SON.

I have a page here on iNaturalist under Sevengills, but was unable 'bulk' import all our data, so that's why there's only one entry.


Mike Bear

Posted by michael_bear over 11 years ago

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