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Aruncus - Photo (c) Megan Hansen, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA) CC
Genus Aruncus Info
Aruncus is a genus of clump forming herbaceous perennial plants in the family Rosaceae. Botanical opinion of the number of species differs, with from one to four species accepted. They are closely related to the genera Filipendula and Spiraea, and are native to mountainous damp woodland in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Creamy white plumes of flowers are produced above veined and toothed leaflets. (Wikipedia)
Goatsbeard - Photo (c) BlueRidgeKitties, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA) CC
Goatsbeard (Aruncus dioicus) Info
Aruncus dioicus (Walt.) (known as goat's beard, buck's-beard or bride's feathers) is a flowering herbaceous perennial plant in the family Rosaceae, and is the type species of the genus Aruncus. It has alternate, pinnately compound leaves, on thin, stiff stems, with plumes of feathery white or cream flowers borne in summer. This plant can be found in moist woodland, often at higher altitudes, throughout temperate areas of Europe, Asia, and eastern and west (Wikipedia)
Aruncus gombalanus Info
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Aruncus sylvester var. laciniatus Info
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Aruncus dioicus ssp. triternatus Info
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Aruncus sylvester var. subrotundatus Info
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