Wendy Vigo Waring

Joined: Mar 29, 2020 Last Active: May 24, 2024 iNaturalist

Hello, all! I am a Project Engineer on the Space Launch System program. I have a B.S. in Software Engineering and am a certified Project Management Professional (PMP). I am also a mother of four, a gamer, a reader, an artist, and basically an all-around life-lover. I love the outdoors and decided to start sharing all of my observations/identifications. Because ~SCIENCE!~

My mother is a birdwatching hobbyist and certified Master Gardener, so between the identification guides, binoculars, and fresh-grown (delicious) food from the garden, I became quickly excited about identifying birds and growing plants. As I teenager into my early college years I bred and raised cockatiels, reading up on domesticated birds in my spare time. After learning that no matter how much you love them, birds are happier when they are free (and can fly!) I gave up on domesticated birds and began studying Biology in college. My intent was to pursue a veterinary degree and start my own business as a large animal veterinarian. During that time, I worked with two veterinary clinics and scored a job on a horse boarding farm.

Plot twist!<<<

After putting my ear to the side of a pregnant mare we were caring for, my neck swelled and I broke out in hives on the short drive home. My mother sent me straight to the doctor's office. Turns out I'm either allergic to horses or to something on that mare's coat. At the reccomendation of my doctor, I left the horse farm and decided to pursue my passion for all things technical.

I changed degree majors and began to get heavily into gardening. I adopted the Square Foot Gardening method and grew some rockin' gardens with my little ones... happy to be passing on a love for nature to them. That is, until my husband's husky decided he would have no more of that gardening nonsense.

A few major changes and quite a few years later, I am raising some awesome kids and am happily engaged to a man whose love for the outdoors equals my own. I really enjoy kayaking and have started hiking more and more frequently.

I'm super excited to be able to give back to the scientific community through iNaturalist. I truly enjoy this marriage of nature and technology. The user interface is pretty great and I love the advanced photo recognition. Keep up the great work, everyone! I love sifting through all these lovely photos and learning more about the world around us. :)

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