Trees planted in the Tokai Arboretum

About 900 plants in 300 species are recorded in the main Arboretum.

The source list gives numbers of plants for 1997 (where not given, only 1 plant exists), or alternatively (where two numbers are given) for both 1986 and 1997. The date of first planting is given for recorded species.

Sources: Chris Botes (SAFCOL, SANPARKS); Our Green Heritage 1973, p. 25-28; S.A. Biografiese Woordeboek, III, HSRC, 1977, p. 541; HB Rycroft & RJ Poynton, Status of Forestry Arboreta, 1983; H. Mauve, Under the Elephant's Eye, a short history of Tokai, p. 9; Standard Encyclopaedia of S.A., p. 447; Tokai Manner 2010.

Source: HB Rycroft & RJ Poynton, Status of Forestry Arboreta, 1983
tonyrebelo Added by tonyrebelo on December 06, 2017