Journal archives for May 2017

May 14, 2017

May 14, 2017

Yesterday, Patrick participated in his Texas Master Naturalists class "Eco-Region Tour" of Williamson County. Among other things, the tour included a visit to a prairie restoration project near Lake Granger Dam. The tour of the project reinforced his opinion that we are doing the right things to re-establish a prairie at Draco. The tour also included a visit to Lawrence Chapel in southeast Williamson County where the county dips into the Post Oak and Savannah vegetation region. Patrick was able to get a photograph of a Painted Bunting at that location.

Back at Draco, one of the six Eastern Bluebird eggs in Nestbox Delta has hatched. Shannon has seen at least two hatchlings in the Bewick's Wren nest at the front of the residence. The nest is so concentrated that it is difficult to see the interior without potentially causing damage; accordingly, we are not going to disturb it any further. The Eastern Mockingbirds continue to tend to their four eggs in the nest in the rolled-up fence wire.

We removed the nest in Nestbox Charlie because we have seen no activity by any birds in the last two weeks. The House Sparrow (probably the same male) continues to visit Nestbox Bravo, but there is no indication that he is making a nest or has a partner. We have decided to let him use the nestbox in hopes that it will keep him away from the other nesting birds.

The American Basketflower which we seeded in Acre 2016 South last fall has begun to bloom. We consider this as an indication that our restoration efforts are starting to become evident.

Posted on May 14, 2017 04:05 PM by dracowildlife dracowildlife | 0 comments | Leave a comment

May 29, 2017

May 28, 2017

Today we observed a Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (yellow phase). The Eastern Bluebirds appear to be getting ready for the hatchlings to fledge, with a lot of activity by both male and female around the nestbox. Yesterday, a snake (probably an Eastern Yellow-bellied Racer) attacked the Northern Mockingbird nest and got one of the hatchlings. The snake was driven away and, about an hour later, we observed the second hatchling was gone from the nest; we are assuming it fledged successfully. Another Northern Mockingbird pair is making a nest in a Crossvine growing near out front porch.

On 5/17, we observed on or over the property the following bird species: Northern Mockingbird, Eastern Bluebird, Scissortail Flycatcher, Savannah Sparrow(?), House Sparrow, Northern Cardinal, Barn Swallow, House Finch, Dove (no further identification), Great Blue Heron, Nashville Warbler, Black-chinned Hummingbird, and Turkey Vulture. All are fairly common, but it was unusual to see at least one of each of the species during a 12-hour period.

On 5/14, a flock of black vultures were seen on the ground on our property. Further investigation showed they were eating a dead rabbit (further identification not possible and no obvious evidence of cause of death).

Posted on May 29, 2017 12:47 AM by dracowildlife dracowildlife | 0 comments | Leave a comment