June 4, 2023

2023 05 19 Belwin Conservancy and Blaine SNA

On May 19th Jillain LaCombe and I went to Belwin Conservancy Stagecoach Trail in Afton for the first time ever. Neither of us were well prepared foolishly thinking that summer was here and it was about 50 degrees with heavy winds that morning. So we didn't spend a super long time out there and we both froze but I guess this is what crazy bird people do? It has a mix of Prariie and woodland which is really cool since 99% of Minnesota's Prairies are gone and they are the least well preserved habitat nationwide. So many species of plants, bugs, birds, mammals, reptiles, etc are only found in Prairies.

In our brief time there Jillian got to see quite a few species that were new to her, including some Eastern Bluebirds which she has mentioned wanting to see so many times before! It was her first time seeing a Great-crested Flycatcher also which if you know their call you will know they are around because it's very loud. They have bird houses along the trail inhabited by adorable Tree Swallows which is about as close to a Tree Swallow as you'll ever get since they are protecting their nest inside.

On my way home I ran a few errands and by that time it had warmed up enough that I went birding a little bit more at Blaine Scientific and Natural area on the way back home, which Jillian and I went to couple weeks ago. There are Osprey nesting in a nearby parking lot, but I also saw a Broad-winged Hawk and a Northern Harrier getting harrassed by a Red-winged Blackbird fly past. Blackbirds or Crows harassing raptors is maybe my favorite thing to see when I'm out birding I just wish they were easier to get good photos of.

https://photos.app.goo.gl/qvH4cw33KAxoKhtA8 FOTOS
https://ebird.org/checklist/S138353296 BIRD NERD STUFF
https://ebird.org/checklist/S138381028 BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE

Posted on June 4, 2023 01:49 AM by earnoodles earnoodles | 1 comment | Leave a comment

May 13, 2023

2023 04 27 Iowa Trip

On April 27th at about 3 in the morning I decided I was going to take one more trip down to Iowa for some "sneak peeks" of migration that will make it to Minnesota a bit later. This time of year after such a long winter I am just so eager for life to start happening again! My first stop was a place I've been to once before in North East Iowa called Sweet Marsh Wildlife Management Area. I went there for the first time ever last May and had a wonderful birding/naturing experience and this trip was very similar, albeit slighlty earlier in the year.

There were so many cool birds and I laid prone for quite awhile in one spot getting closer to shorebirds than I have ever been before. I got both video and photos of a Killdeer and Lesser Yellowlegs poking around in the mud. Shorebirds are pretty hard to identify but they are just so much fun to watch the way they walk around like little dinosaurs. Tree Swallows are back!! The adorable and hard to photo birds that can distract me pretty much forever trying to get shots of their erratic acrobatic flight. A Broad-winged Hawk was soaring over the area too the first I've seen this year!

After that I went further South in Iowa to Cone Marsh WMA and Pike Run Wildlife Area for the afternoon and saw more cool birds including my first Eastern Meadowlark of the year (<3 Prairie birds) and I heard a Barred Owl in the woods I think it's my first time recording one. It's just always cool to see or hear owls OO At Cone Marsh there was a Sandhill Crane with the tiniest Colt I've ever seen in person. They were pretty far away but I got some video of the adorable lil Crane :)

https://photos.app.goo.gl/jLjrkjoqCdZ2XBtC9 FOTOS
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-E6rCCErIImOOzl-rZ0GJKOZ2W4dkAJo VIDEOS
https://ebird.org/checklist/S135172091 BIRD
https://ebird.org/checklist/S135221190 NERD
https://ebird.org/checklist/S135235647 STUFF

Posted on May 13, 2023 05:39 AM by earnoodles earnoodles | 0 comments | Leave a comment

December 16, 2022

2022-09-30 Trempealeau NWR

Back on September 30th, a few days after getting my birding lens back from repairs I went out birding again of course. I went down to Trempeleau NWR which I've been to a few times before, although I had never seen anything like I saw there on this particular day! When I arrived and parked near the visitors center I was greeted with the sight of about 500-1000 American White Pelicans!!! In addition to that there were probably at least 100-200 Double-Crested Cormorants, 200 or more American Coots, 100-200 Gulls mostly Ring-billed but some amount of Franklin's mixed in since I got a photo of one of those too.

I've only seen 2 or 3 really huge birding migration events like this in person before, the first with Jillia LaCombe when we saw thousands of Tundra Swans migrating down the Mississippi river down in Brownsville, MN a couple years ago. It was another really wonderful amazing almost overwhelming experience! With that much going on at once it was pretty much a dream day of birding, and I got probably my best ever video of bird migration stuff. I have never seen that many Pelicans at once before and the same goes for the American Coots who were feeding right next to the little visitor observation shelter/dock. There were also a few Bald Eagles and Red-tailed Hawks around of course. Anywhere there are that many birds there's going to be some Raptors. Luckily I had my tripod so I just set it up on the corner of a wooden bench thing in the obserbation area sitting back as far from the edge of the water as possible, and sat there for the next hour or longer I'm not sure exactly becuase it was just such an amazing sight! At one point a couple of the friendly NWR staff were shooting their own promotional video telling people to come there to see cool migration stuff but I edited out the sound as best as I could. They sure picked the right day having a backdrop of a thousand birds!

After awhile the Pelicans were mostly headed further down the shore to find more food stuffs, so I hiked out on to the end of one of the dykes and on the way came across a swarm of Common Grackles up in the trees (with a few Red-winged Blackbirds). At the end of the Dyke I laid on the ground waiting for birds and getting some more photos. I got my best photos ever of some American Wigeons simply becuase the only other photo I have was one from an overcast day at Bass Ponds from quite a distance. I also spotted some Green-winged Teal which I don't think I've seen since spring. I continued my hike from there back towards the endtrance of Tremepealeau and saw a couple Red-headed Woodpeckers, and also White-crownd Sparrows who I finally got some good photos of!

I hiked around the little Prarie trail they have there, stopping again for a short while by a bench to get some more photos and also eat early lunch. On that trail I saw a Palm Warbler! Which is the first I had seen since spring. There was also some kind of Clouded Yellow Butterfly which I can sometimes identify to the species but sometimes not. I hiked back to Visitors Center parking area after that and then drove a little bit down the Wildlife Drive to the parking area for another dyke trail that goes way out there on the Eastern part of the refuge.

I think it's the only trail I hadn't ever walked at Trempealeau before, so it seemed like the thing to do as the afternoon went on and it was in the East. I ended up hiking out towards the end of the dyke and sitting there getting a few more photos then deciding to take an afternoon nap for maybe 60-90 minutes. I woke up when I heard another person finally come along with his dog, then sat around little bit more getting photos then hiking back to my car and heading home.

Posted on December 16, 2022 08:23 AM by earnoodles earnoodles | 0 comments | Leave a comment

September 1, 2022

2021 04 20 Crow Hassan

On April 20th I went on an evening hike at Crow Hassan. I saw another Eastern Meadowlark! I've been to Crow Hassan 3 times and seen an Eastern Meadlark each time and never anywhere else so that seems to be the place to find them. :) Anyway this time I was able to get a little bit closer and just hung out for awhile watching it sing. Eventually it took off though which allowed me to get some flying shots of this super cool bird Ive only seen a few times!

I also saw a Mourning Dove on my hike which I hear a lot but don't see them all that often, but the really cool thing I saw as the sun was setting was a Great Horned Owl! I only first saw one of these a couple months ago also on a sunset hike and didn't expect to see another so soon! It landed in a tree near me briefly then noticed me I guess and took off again but I got a couple bad photos through the trees at least. :)

There were also a bunch of other birbs and I got photos

https://photos.app.goo.gl/YhNMomVPJkWbNyav9 pics
https://youtu.be/TXJDYxuvVSA Wet Beaver video
https://ebird.org/checklist/S86000441 bird nerd stuff

Posted on September 1, 2022 07:33 AM by earnoodles earnoodles | 0 comments | Leave a comment

2021 04 19

On April 19th I went to Coon Rapids Dam for an evening/sunset walk. I mostly hung out on the little island in the Middle of the river where I saw a Pileated Woodpecker and some Yellow-rumped Warblers :) Eventually I walked across the dam to the Brooklyn Park side where I found they had constructed a birder hangout spot since last time I had been there. It has benches with cardboard cutouts of people sitting on them so that birds get used to "people" being there.

It was a nice sunset walk but as I got back to my car I realized I didn't have my keys and the reason I didn't have my keys is that I didn't have my backpack! Apparently I had set it down at the birding spot and forgot to grab it again so I ran back across the dam and luckily birding is so unpopular that my backpack was still there! It had my purse in it with my ID and debit card, etc which would have been a major hassle to lose so I'm glad that didn't happen. :)

https://photos.app.goo.gl/tkdStfkhttD8yS168 pics
https://ebird.org/checklist/S85935435 bird nerd stuff

Posted on September 1, 2022 07:30 AM by earnoodles earnoodles | 0 comments | Leave a comment

2021 04 18 Crow Hassan

On April 18th I went to Crow Hassan for only the 2nd time ever birding there. It's the only place I have ever seen an Eastern Meadowlark before since it is the largest prarie remnant left in the Twin Cities (humans have destroyed over 99% of Minnesota's original Praries). While it's mostly Prarie it also has a few small lakes around it which attracts all types of birds and it seems like a pretty good birding spot even though I haven't been there much.

Luckily I saw another Eastern Meadowlark on this 2nd trip! And actually got kinda okayish photos despite the backlighting just by having a better camera. Plus the last one was running through the grass, this one was perched in a tree loudly singing which is much easier to photo. :)

It was a very windy day which mean the Tree Swallows were having trouble flying especially in one direction so they were looking for places to perch a lot more than usual which let me get some good photos of them. A couple of them seemed to know each other and kept hanging out together while also constantly looking like they wanted to kill each other :p

BE WARNED if you are arachnophobic I also got pictures of a Grayish Jumping Spider and also some kind of Bee buzzing around a flower and some flies doing it. More bugs means more food for everything else so they are super important!

https://photos.app.goo.gl/RePQTcvzQJx5b1X99 pics
https://ebird.org/checklist/S85828195 bird nerd stuff

Posted on September 1, 2022 07:28 AM by earnoodles earnoodles | 0 comments | Leave a comment

2021 04 17

On April 17th I went to Murphy-Hanrehan again but this time I barely even got out of my car and mostly ended up watching some Osprey in their nests. Murphy-Hanrehan has multiple nest spots up for them. Anyway I managed to get some cool Super slowmo video of an Osprey landing on it's mate in the nest then briefly taking off and landing in a different spot again! It takes so much effort for them to take off because of how big they are that's why those nests are up high so they can just just "catch some air" under their wings normally. I also got my first butterfly photos of the year I saw a Mourning Cloak which has a pretty purple and black pattern on it's wings!

When I got home I took some more photos too and a Robin came to take a bath and splashed around in the water :) I also got pictures of both the Male and Female Brown-headed Cowbirds who have only recently been at our feeders again

https://photos.app.goo.gl/GZjTZa3yzSRNm7Ym9 pics
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-E6rCCErIIl0VXZ5chogig9E5hZqGvVt Osprey Super slowmo vid

Posted on September 1, 2022 07:27 AM by earnoodles earnoodles | 0 comments | Leave a comment

2021 04 16 Murphy Hanrehan

On April 16th I went out with my new lense for the 2nd time this time with much nicer weather to Murphy Hanrehan, which has only started becoming active with birds again in the past few weeks. I saw lots of cool birds including a few Turkey Vultures, a Great Egret, Blue-winged Teals, Ring-Necked Ducks, and American Coots. There were also TURTLES of the Painted variety doing their usual sunbathing stuff. I also got a good photo of a Common Green Darner Dragonfly! :)

There were few Tree Swallows which are super common during the summer in wetlands but they have only just started showing up again. They are super hard to get photos of because they are small and fly in fast erratic patterns but I love watching them skim the top of the water for bugs :)

After I got home I did some birding from my back yard. A Squirrel had figured out our neighbors bird feeder and emptied like half the feeder the day after they put out new food :) One of the new visitors to our yard recently has been some Brown-headed Cowbirds and I got a photo of the female as well as all the usual backyard birbs!

https://photos.app.goo.gl/JqXoFgc2pp6gm5kh8 pics
https://youtu.be/9b_njxTQ2SE Turtle Sunbathing Vid

Posted on September 1, 2022 07:24 AM by earnoodles earnoodles | 0 comments | Leave a comment

2021 04 14 Eastman Nature Center

So I got another new (used) lens! It's a Canon f5.6 400mm prime lense which has been highly recommended by a lot of people as a great budget wildlife/birding lense. The day it arrived I couldn't wait to go out and try it despite the overcast conditions so I headed to Elm Creek Park and hiked a bit around Eastman Nature Center.

I saw a Brown Creeper for only the 2nd time in my life and this time got some slightly better pictures of them. They are so hard to photograph since they are exactly the same color as the trees they creep in! I also saw my first Yellow-rumped Warblers of the year surely a sign that life is returning again :)

On my way home I decided to check out Rum River Regional Park which I've never been to before. There were a couple Great Blue Herons there which I got my best flying photos of but still not great because of the grey skies. I saw yet another Yellow-rumped Warbler there too as well as a group of Hooded Mergansers.

It was a good day and I'm pretty happy with the results considering the poor conditions :)
https://photos.app.goo.gl/Ps2mJNmrJqAehdd89 pics

Posted on September 1, 2022 07:18 AM by earnoodles earnoodles | 0 comments | Leave a comment

2021 04 07

On the evening of April 7th Jillian Louise and I went on a spontaneous trip to Sherburne Wildlife Drive. It's the first time I've been up there this year and it was kinda more dead/grey than I was expected, probably not helped by the overcast/drizzly weather. The cool sighting of the day was a Short-eared Owl! I wasn't sure if it was some kind of Hawk or what at the time but when I looked at my photos I realized what we had seen. I've never seen one of those before and I got some low contrast grainy photos of it flying and perched on tree.

I also got some much better video of Sandhill Cranes than I've ever gotten before since there was a group of 6 of them who seemed very curious about this weird Wildlife Drive thing with humans and cars on it and kind of approached us at one point. :)

I also saw a few Double-crested Cormorants which I have been eagerly awaiting their return. I love the Snooty way they swim and how they constantly steal each other's fish. Also some very wet beavers were swimming and getting rained on.

https://photos.app.goo.gl/8AEC79X9y75CB7RX7 pics
https://youtu.be/PreHAd8GPdM Sandhill Cranes Video
https://ebird.org/checklist/S85770648 bird nerd stuff

Posted on September 1, 2022 07:15 AM by earnoodles earnoodles | 0 comments | Leave a comment
