November 22, 2015

Journal 3: Adaptations

Most organisms have to adapt to their surroundings to survive, and there are multiple types of adaptations. Like: adapting to their surrounding environment, adapting to insure successful reproduction, along with adapting to gather food and having shelter. To show how an organism adapts to their surroundings you could think of Clown-fish fitting into it’s environment by living in bigger open areas with anemone’s in them. The whole reason Clown-fish would need to adapt to their surrounding environment could be for lack of food, for protection, or for reproduction.

Posted on November 22, 2015 07:42 PM by i3kamrynguy i3kamrynguy | 0 comments | Leave a comment

November 9, 2015

Journal 2: Symbiosis

There are three types of symbiotic relationships: parasitic, mutualistic, and commensalistic. Parasitic relationships, like a decomposer on a tree, is when one organism hurts the other organism while benefiting itself. Mutualistic relationships are when both organisms benefit from each other. Like alligators and birds: while the alligator gets its teeth cleaned by the bird, the bird gets food from the alligator's teeth. Lastly there is Commensalistic relationships, like lichen on a tree, are when only one organism benefits in the relationship; while lichen lives on a tree it gets all it’s nutrients thanks to where it is on the tree, while the lichen has no effect on the tree itself.

Posted on November 9, 2015 07:33 PM by i3kamrynguy i3kamrynguy | 0 comments | Leave a comment

October 23, 2015

Journal One: Abiotic and Biotic

Many things have a big impact on the environment, one of those big things are biotic and abiotic organisms. Biotic organisms, something living that affects other living organisms, like animals, insects, fish, and plants. While biotic things are living abiotic organisms are non living; like rocks, ant hills, sand, and water.

In the humid peninsula of Florida there is something called the River to Sea Preserve. The River to Sea Preserve is home to multitudes of biotic and abiotic organisms. For example the florida box turtle, a biotic organism, and it’s swampy habitat. The reason that a florida box turtles’ habitat is abiotic because of the food and shelter the water and environment provides. Another example is the Lady Crab and it's environment. Lady crabs live throughout the Bay, on sandy or muddy bottoms, often in shallow waters. This land gives them shelter, food, and a place to lay their babies.

The River to Sea Preserve protects many types of biotic and abiotic components. Just looking around at the preserve someone could see hundreds of different organisms, and hundreds of things affecting these organisms.

Posted on October 23, 2015 02:11 AM by i3kamrynguy i3kamrynguy | 0 comments | Leave a comment
