Journal archives for October 2015

October 30, 2015

Different Types Of Adaptations

There are the three very common Adaptations of many species that are alive and non alive, we have Physical/ Chemical Environment, one specific species adapting to its environment whether it be Moss growing on a rock over time, that would be a Physical Environment. The Moss's habitat or Environment would be on the Rock, and the the rocks environment would be basically invaded but not causing harm to by the moss. Next, would be the Predator and Prey relationship. This is a relatively easy one, and one that is quite commonly seen. Simple as a spider and its web. It catches food in its web to eat for later. Simple as that. The last one is called Simple Reproduction. This can be a Honey Bee, or any sort of pollinating creature, it can even be a butterfly. The pollen that gets stuck to its little feet or antennae, wherever it may get stuck on the body, and the pollinators go from plant to plant, transferring the pollen back and forth from each other. These are very important to every living organism, as they all may have different ways in how they go about their own adaptations. Every organism is different.

Posted on October 30, 2015 05:48 PM by i3stephenweb i3stephenweb | 0 comments | Leave a comment
