Journal archives for July 2013

July 19, 2013

Little Rock

Kanis Park is where I've been going for birding. Seen cool stuff! which had me thinking about how i've never gone for a walk and not seen stuff. helps that i'm not looking for stuff, rather just looking.

some good birds! it is an advantage that i've never been to the south before, so all the common birds are novel birds to me

carolina chickadee (looks exactly like black capped, but they are different based on region!)
eastern phoebe, liked that one very much
mourning doves
green heron! (a real treat, saw him yesterday too in the same spot)

an unknown bird, grey all over with black head. could have been a
chimney swift, or a purple martin, though it didn't look purple

what perhaps was an eagle? i dont know! looked huge, and had curved wings rather than straight. so not a vulture... but looks like bald eagles also sore with straight wings... but i vote eagle, if i had to vote

also, a little hawk of some sort. no kestrels in this part of the country, so i dont know. a kite? a coopers hawk? who knows.///////////////r.eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..................................................................d d//rdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd (haha kitten contribution)

and many bugs! the bugs are great!
probably 4 species of butterfly, including the great black and blue ones and very cool lime green ones
and at least 5 different dragonflies! light blue, dark blue, brown with five white spots on the body spaced evenly no less, neon green, and huge and yellow. good stuff

Posted on July 19, 2013 08:15 PM by jane_c jane_c | 0 comments | Leave a comment

July 27, 2013

Bosque de Apache

I'm too tired to comment! Amazing!

1 Mallard

12 Wild Turkey

2 Great Blue Heron

X Snowy Egret

X Turkey Vulture

1 Common Gallinule

X American Coot

2 Killdeer

1 American Avocet

X White-winged Dove

X Mourning Dove

X Black-chinned Hummingbird

1 Rufous Hummingbird

1 American Kestrel

2 Black Phoebe

1 Say's Phoebe

X Western Kingbird

X raven sp.

X Barn Swallow

1 Phainopepla

2 Lark Sparrow

1 Black-headed Grosbeak

X Blue Grosbeak

X Red-winged Blackbird

2 Brown-headed Cowbird

X House Finch

Posted on July 27, 2013 09:12 PM by jane_c jane_c | 0 comments | Leave a comment
