Journal archives for February 2016

February 5, 2016

February 28th and 31st

My friend and I went on the bird walk Thursday and saw 50 some crows flying overhead. Our TA later told us that they were migrating and that they do that at night as well. When we entered centennial fields we heard a Blue Jay and some Black-capped Chickadees. We stopped after the little bridges to watch some Tufted titmice fly around us. We got to hear their call, we also called a few of them in and got to see them close up without binoculars. We then walked a little ways, when we stopped it was hard to hear because we had to wait for people to catch up, but we were able to hear a few White-breasted Nuthatches. After a few minutes they came a little closer and we got to see them walking up and down the trunks of the trees.

On Sunday my friend were back in Fletcher Vermont riding around when we got to a top of a dirt road there was a Red-tailed Hawk on a tree branch watching a little field not too far away. When our car got right underneath him he just flew off.

Posted on February 5, 2016 02:32 AM by npeatman npeatman | 5 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment

February 18, 2016

From February 7th to February 17th

February 7th
My friend and I were riding around the Fletcher/Cambridge area of Vermont and on the edge of Fletcher and Cambridge we had pulled off the road on the edge of some woods I hunt at. We looked up in the trees to see if we could see any birds and there was an unknown bird flying to the top of a tree. We grabbed our binoculars and saw that it was a Pileated Woodpecker, unfortunately not clear enough to get a good picture. He hung out atop the tree for a bit as we watched him then just flew off. Later into the drive around the heart of Cambridge we found a barn and stopped to see if there were any Pigeons or other birds around there. There were two Rock Pigeons puffing out their feathers to stay warm. As we were driving up the road we look up in the sky to see a lone Turkey Vulture soaring above us. A mile later we were driving passed an open hay field to see a Raven flying low over the grass slowly gaining altitude. We stopped and watched him for a little bit.

February 17th
My friend and I traveled over to red rocks in Shelburne Vermont. We were walking down the main trail just about to start our decline to the rock face by the edge of the water when we hear about 7 Black-capped Chickadees flying around us singing. They were in the cedar trees above us. On our way back it was about 4 O'clock when we saw about 30 crows flying directly over us paralleling the lake going to their super secret roosting location for the night.

Posted on February 18, 2016 11:40 PM by npeatman npeatman | 6 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment
