Colby Watkins

Joined: Feb 23, 2013 Last Active: Jun 12, 2024 iNaturalist

My love of nature started early. As a kid, I was inspired by the diversity of life I would see in my grandmother's encyclopedia collection and on the old Animal Planet shows. My family would go on frequent trips to the zoo and annual trips to Sea World in San Antonio, and I was always thrilled to experience animals so up close and personal. This inspired me to pursue a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology at the University of North Texas, which I received in 2014, with a focus in Ecology.

It was in college where I discovered a particular interest in insects and began collecting them. I was also fortunate to take a summer course about Southwestern water issues in the United States, which included a 2-week camping trip throughout the southwestern US, including stops at multiple National Parks. This was my first time experiencing the National Parks and traveling by car outside fo Texas, and it changed my life. I have since tried to go on at least one road trip a year, usually involving multi-day camping. Admittedly, I fell in love with the southwest so much that it is often where I return. Colorado and Utah especially have a way of drawing me back.

In June of 2019, I traveled with my girlfriend, Lauren, across the southwest all the way to Zion National Park in Utah. Our plan was to complete the Angel's Landing trail as the highpoint (no pun intended) of our trip. Fortunately, we made it to the top safe and sound and it was then that we were rewarded with one of the most incredible wildlife encounters of our lives- a California Condor flew right overhead and circled just once before flying off. And that was the moment that we officially became birders.

When we got back to Texas we did a beginner bird walk with Travis Audubon Society at Hornsby Bend, a famous hotspot and wastewater treatment center in Austin. I hadn't realized just how lucky I am to be Texans until I got bit by the birding bug, and we have now been using ebird to document our birding adventures. But to be honest, I love all species, and my dream is to become the best naturalist I can be.

I hope to use this website more going forward to learn more about the world around me and to share my experience with others who share the same passions as I do.

Check out Lauren and I's ebird for more!

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