
Joined: Apr 5, 2021 Last Active: May 28, 2024 iNaturalist

About me
I am an amateur nature photographer and videographer. I plan on filming an amateur documentary in the future once I have a bit more equipment.

Love all things science and nature. also interested in microscopy and I am hoping on increasing and improving my equipment in the near future.

↓ Camera ↓
Nikon Z9 as the body.
Laowa 100mm macro 2:1 for all my close-ups.
Godox v860ii as the flash.
Godox Xpro ii as the remote flash trigger.
↓ Microscope ↓
OMAX 40x2500x that's been modified, with a improvised adaptor, that fits my Laowa 100mm macro 2:1 Lens to the top eyepiece.
↓ Other Equipment ↓
Sony tough 256gb cfexpress as the memory card
Sirui P-424FL monopod as the camera stand for travel/hiking

↓ Scales ↓
The scales on my images are from a photo of a microscope calibration slide overlaid onto the image.
I tack most of my close up photos at a fixed focus of 1:1, the fixed focus lets you have a accurate scale/size.

Feel free to message me about any of my observations, I try to come onto iNaturalist regularly.

Using my Photos
All my photos/videos and content is free to use (for NonCommercial).
If you're going to be using my photos/videos for entertainment/educational or any other public content, Then I would appreciate it if you let me know. Not necessary just nice to know my work is being used.

I've started to save most of my uploads and their raw files, so feel free to DM me if you would like the original photo and/or its raw file.

Other places I post
I also have a YT that I plan on using more https://www.youtube.com/@dannpv5765

My discord server for science. Has a lot of links to useful/interesting websites, and youtube channels.

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