
Joined: Jun 4, 2021 Last Active: Jun 8, 2024 iNaturalist Canada

Hello, my name is Kyle. I just love nature, and there is plenty of it in the Canadian Pacific Northwest. I consider myself to be an amateur botanist, naturalist, herbalist, ornithologist, and an aspiring lepidopterist, as well as being an avid gardener. I’m also a bibliophile and have gathered a library of 1,700 volumes on many subjects, including the ones mentioned above. I also enjoy bookbinding and book repair, and have started a herbarium of pressed plants that I find here, there and everywhere. Astronomy is a favourite pastime as well. There is so much to learn and take from plants. I also write a little poetry on the side, and I like nothing better than to sit under some of the many old and romantic looking trees that I know of, just to take all of natural world in.

Through all the world below
God is seen all around,
Search hills and valleys through,
There he’s found.
The growing of the corn,
The lily and the thorn,
The pleasant and forlorn
All declare God is there;
In meadows dressed in green,
There He’s seen.

The sun with all his rays
Speaks of God as he flys,
The comet in its blaze
“God” it cries.
The shining of the stars,
The moon when she appears,
His dreadful name declares;
See them fly through the sky
And join the silent sound
From the ground.
-The Missouri Harmony

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