
Joined: Jul 13, 2018 Last Active: Jun 1, 2024 iNaturalist

Growing up hiking and camping in the Great Smoky Mountains NP probably instilled a love of the natural world from early on. I am from Knoxville and have now lived in Chattanooga for over 25 years, so I'm truly an East Tennesseean. This region is home to a huge diversity of plant life and is beautiful year-round. About 10 years ago I became really interested in landscaping with native plants and have been gardening at home with natives since then. I have nearly completed courses and volunteer hours required for a certificaton in native plants. This program is through the local chapter of a national, nonprofit organization called Wild Ones. I belong to the Tennessee Valley chapter, the mission of which is to educate and advocate for biodiversity in the Tennessee Valley. We offer a variety of programs and events, many of which are free to the public, throughout the year that teach sustainable landscaping practices using plants that are native to our region. To learn more about our chapter, go to tnvalleywildones.org

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