Philip Knowlman

Joined: May 4, 2022 Last Active: Jun 2, 2024 iNaturalist United Kingdom

Hey I'm Flip, I live in Wellington Southwest UK. Friendly, open, earthy, green, positive, planty, gardeny, happy, huggy n slightly potty…. A passionate gardener from a very young age it's only in recent years connecting with transition town Wellington that I really appreciated how essential biodiversity is and how complex the web of different species and interconnectedness between all things. Most importantly how crucial it is to the well-being of ourselves and the planet… With the help of friends & family I have built a small off-grid eco-lodge as a project in sustainability… I'm also in the early stages of re-wilding half an acre… with wildlife pond 8m x 12m, no dig veg, small food forest and a couple of mini plantations (about 150 trees). It's truly incredible how the species are arriving… but being a novice I don't know what most of them are.. I'm hoping to be able to use this app to educate myself and share with others…

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