Photo 106518937, (c) kneubaue, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by kneubaue

Attribution © kneubaue
some rights reserved
Uploaded by kneubaue kneubaue
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds




December 4, 2020 03:46 PM MST


In the Bulletin pdf by Chamberlin and Gertsch images of D. calcarata palpal tibial apophysis are extra long as seen best in the 2nd photo. Based on plate 17 of the bulletin link,,
The spider papal tibial apophysis also appear to match Bug Guide image #248740.
The last photo shows size perspective of this tiny spider on the top lip of a hot tub. Macro photos were taken as the spider is about 2 mm in length without legs. He launched a web and ultimately landed in the water of the hot tub which he ran across to the edge and got out. Last photo could be the handiwork of this spider; found within feet of the hot tub. ID to species by Jillian Cowles on FB group SW U.S. Arthropods
