Photo 134089546, (c) Christian Schwarz, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Christian Schwarz

Attribution © Christian Schwarz
some rights reserved
Uploaded by leptonia leptonia
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds




June 2021


Grid cells of sheet are approximately .05 mm wide

Moth sheet set up in Blue Oak savannah near an ephemeral watercourse with much honeysuckle, also surrounded by extensive patches of chamise shrubland, interspersed with areas of vertic clay hosting uncommon/rare herbaceous plants.

I used both a hanging UV LED strip as well as a bright handheld flashlight pointing at the sheet.

Action was immediate, with high numbers of insects appearing quickly, and relatively high rate of new arrivals during the hour I watched the sheet.

No wind at all (air completely still), no moonlight during the time I ran the light, and very warm.

Most of these identifications are computer vision suggestions.

Associated taxa