Photo 15392060, (c) Marion Maclean, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Marion Maclean

Attribution © Marion Maclean
some rights reserved
Uploaded by karoopixie karoopixie
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds


White-streak Bagworm (Criocharacta amphiactis)




March 2014


Bagmoth reared by accident - Montagu WCape

I had found the bag in a drawer in late November/early December, and just put it into one of the FR boxes containing something else. The something else fledged/pupated/wandered off/died (can't remember what it was) and I thought no more of the box coz I thought the bagworm had gone in there by mistake and was dead.

Serendipitously, I was cleaning out boxes and came across the bag with a pupal casing sticking out of one end. So I looked for a moth, and sho nuff, there she was in the corner of the box pretending to be leaf litter. She was freshly emerged and alive and well. Yay!

So, at least three months pupation time.

And, next time I find bagworms on the windows, I'll box 'em up and see what we get :-)

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