Photo 173994555, (c) manofthemarsh, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)

Attribution © manofthemarsh
some rights reserved
Uploaded by manofthemarsh manofthemarsh
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds




December 28, 2021 10:50 PM EST


Species- L. filifera
Perithecium olive; length subequal to receptacle. Apex broad, darkened, and almost truncate. Lip-cells turned outward. Minute inner appendage and very elongate outer appendage (often detached as in this case) with hyaline base. Anterior margin of receptacle with distinct ‘bend’ above cell II.
On Harpalus affinis. Attachment point unclear, but likely from the crowd towards elytral base consistent with Thaxter’s monograph. Host found in urban yard, which apparently constitutes as field habitat for hosts of L. filifera.

Associated taxa