Photo 20505492, (c) Peter Vos, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Peter Vos

Attribution © Peter Vos
some rights reserved
Uploaded by bushboy bushboy
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds


Common Straw-coloured Fruit Bat (Eidolon helvum ssp. helvum)




June 18, 2015


Double tragedy

Found on fairway 20m + from nearest tree during dog-walk.
Body length: 12cm. Appeared pregnant. Massive trauma to head and neck, consistent with Vervet Monk attack on birds. But no apparent attempt to feed off her. And why was she dumped in the middle of the fairway?
Because of small size, assumed she was strangely-coloured Epauletted Fruit, but Bat Group and Durban Nat History Museum, who have her remains, confirm she was an Eidolon helvum.
And that she was pregnant.

Associated taxa