Photo 3274572, no rights reserved, uploaded by Peter de Lange

Attribution By Peter de Lange
no rights reserved
Uploaded by pjd1 pjd1
Source iNaturalist NZ
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds




April 2, 2016


Occasional. Corticolous on kauri (Agathis australis) with Parmotrema austrocetratum, P. reticulatum, Pertusaria spp., Usnea rubicunda, Usnea sp., and Menegazzia neozelandica.

Cortex and Medulla K+ pale yellow, KC-; thallus large (50 mm across), greenish grey when moist, greyish white when dry, smooth, without reticulate cracking, very faintly white-maculate near lobe margins, lobe margins virtually glabrous, (very sparsely ciliate in lobe axils and sinuses); sorediate (white, granular), soralia short, on small marginal laciniae, sorediate laciniae convolute; lower surface with broad, smooth, naked pale brown margin, otherwise finely, copiously rhizinate, rhizines simple, black.

Voucher: P.J. de Lange 13071 & F.J.T. de Lange, UNITEC 7748

Associated taxa