Photo 6365748, no rights reserved, uploaded by Peter de Lange

Attribution By Peter de Lange
no rights reserved
Uploaded by pjd1 pjd1
Source iNaturalist NZ
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds




February 24, 2017 11:13 AM NZDT


Discovered by Dr R.O. Gardner growing in a shaded site, semi-submerged on the side of Te Auanga (Oakley Creek) with Isolepis inundatus.

Plants swarding, aromatic (with distinct 'carrot' smell when leaves crushed. Leaves narrowly lanceolate 20-40 mm long, 3-5 mm wide, flat, weakly septate, fleshy, glabrous. Inflorescences sparse, those seen 3-flowered, flowers with pale cream petals.

Probably accidentally (or deliberately) introduced via aquarium trade into waterway (there are other similar 'unusual' aquatic plant occurrences recorded from streams in this area).

Easily distinguished from the two indigenous New Zealand species which have tubular or semi-tubular, prominently (so conspicuously visible) septate leaves, and pink to red-pink solitary (very rarely 2(-3)-flowered) flowers.

A new naturalization for New Zealand.

Voucher: P.J. de Lange 13474 & R.O. Gardner, AK 365914

Please keep an eye out for this species. If you see it collect a herbarium specimen and report it to the local council or MPI (0800 80 99 66 - New Zealand only)

Associated taxa