Projects from Iran

Afromontane Plants icon

Afromontane Plants

The Afromontane regions are subregions of the Afrotropical realm, one of the Earth's eight biogeographic re...
All Iran life forms survey icon

All Iran life forms survey

با توجه به اینکه در انقراض ششم هستیم نیاز بسیاری برای رسیدن به آگاهی از وضعیت گونهه های مختلف زنده اکوسیستم...
Amphibians of Iran icon

Amphibians of Iran

Adding locations of Amphibians Of Iran, to have the most exact information about areas that they live in.
Animals and Birds of East, to South Africa icon

Animals and Birds of East, to South Africa

A chance to document many species of African animals in their natural habitat, for upcoming generations, w...
Aquatic insects icon

Aquatic insects

Discover the aquatic insects of the world, as they are very important in the ecosystem.
Birds of Iran icon

Birds of Iran

Iran is one of the largest countries in the Western Palearctic and the composition of Iran’s bird life is d...
Butterflies of Iran icon

Butterflies of Iran

This project serves to record butterfly species found in Iran
Dandelions (گل قاصدک) icon

Dandelions (گل قاصدک)

This project is a spatial data collection project (biodiversity data). In fact, the aim of this project is ...
Eastern Arabian Opistobranchs (Nudibranch & Sea Slugs) icon

Eastern Arabian Opistobranchs (Nudibranch & Sea Slugs)

Discover and record the Opistobranch diversity found. In the waters surrounding Eastern Arabia (Arabian Gul...
Flora of Iran icon

Flora of Iran

Iran – with 1,640,000 square kilometers area, has its specific combination of different elements of life an...
Free-Ranging Cats in Iran icon

Free-Ranging Cats in Iran

Free-ranging domestic cats (Felis catus) threaten wildlife species through predation.
Free-Ranging Dogs in Iran icon

Free-Ranging Dogs in Iran

Free-ranging domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) threaten wildlife species through predation, hybridization, c...
Green Iran icon

Green Iran

lets explore through the beautiful four-seasoned Iran..
Himalayan selected species icon

Himalayan selected species

Himalaya mountains have a collection of cold and drought hardy species.
Identification of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Iran icon

Identification of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Iran

In order to identify the species of medicinal and aromatic plants in Iran, this crowdsourcing project has b...
iNaturalist du Monde icon

iNaturalist du Monde

Aventurons nous, explorerons et partageons la faune et la flore du Monde. Projet créé par : "lafaunesauvag...
iranian_oriental plane icon

iranian_oriental plane

About sycamore trees in Iran and their distribution, both native and planted by humans
Low Growth Countries and Territories icon

Low Growth Countries and Territories

Countries with low growth in iNat observations in 2023. Based on the [2023 Year In Review](https://www.inat...
Megafauna remnants of the W Palearctic icon

Megafauna remnants of the W Palearctic

Companion to this guide: Megafauna remnants of the W Palearctic, n...
Megascolia of Western Palearctic icon

Megascolia of Western Palearctic

This projects aims to elucidate the phylogeny and distribution of the genus Megascolia Betrem, 1928 in the ...
Monitoring Platanus trees icon

Monitoring Platanus trees

شهر تهران به دلیل گرمسیری و نورگیر بودن بستر مطلوبی برای کاشت درخت چنار می باشد. این درخت با سایه گستردگی و...
Moths and Butterflies of Iran icon

Moths and Butterflies of Iran

Due to its location on the desert strip of the northern hemisphere and the existence of the Zagros and Albo...
Moths of Iran  بیدهای ایران icon

Moths of Iran بیدهای ایران

A collection project for moth observations from Iran, contributing to the umbrella Moths of Asia project
Mustelidae of Iran icon

Mustelidae of Iran

In this project try to gather any information about the Mustelidae in Iran. This includes any type Observat...
Nettles(Urtica dioica) icon

Nettles(Urtica dioica)

Urtica dioica, often known as common nettle, burn-nettle, stinging nettle (although not all plants of this ...
Odonata of Iran (ODIR) icon

Odonata of Iran (ODIR)

Odonata of Iran (ODIR) is a project that has been launched to complete and update information regarding the...
Oleg Kosterin's observations in Iran icon

Oleg Kosterin's observations in Iran

Presented are observations made during my trip to Iran on May 18 - June 2, 2017, and, hopefully, further trips
Pygmy grasshoppers in the Holoarctis icon

Pygmy grasshoppers in the Holoarctis

Most of Tetrigidae observations in iNaturalist originate from the Holoarctic region (North America, North A...
Reptiles of Iran icon

Reptiles of Iran

Adding locations of Reptiles Of Iran, to have the most exact information about areas that they live in.
Rhyacionia buoliana (European pine shoot moth) icon

Rhyacionia buoliana (European pine shoot moth)

Rhyacionia buoliana (European pine shoot moth)
S-Oases: Biodiversity in/of oases icon

S-Oases: Biodiversity in/of oases

We are creating an open-source database (S-Oases: Senckenberg Oases database) on oases with extensive bibli...
Salt Affected Vegetation of Europe icon

Salt Affected Vegetation of Europe

This project aims to collect data on plants growing on salt affected soils with a special focus on salt mar...
Sarv-e Abarkuh icon

Sarv-e Abarkuh

Collecting photographs of سرو ابرکوه (*Sarve-e Abarkuh*), a Persian cypress found in Abarkuh, Iran. ht...
Scorpions of Iran icon

Scorpions of Iran

A place to collect data and reports on scorpions in Iran
Spiders of Iran icon

Spiders of Iran

The goal of this project is to uncover the astonishing biodiversity of spiders in the heart of the Middle E...
Sussy Baka Quandale dingle amogus icon

Sussy Baka Quandale dingle amogus

This project is mainly a joke. You can post funny memes or images, but you can post serious observations if...
Symphyta of the Palaearctic realm icon

Symphyta of the Palaearctic realm

Erfassung aller Daten der Symphyta der Paläarktis
Takip Listem icon

Takip Listem

Tür takibi için oluşturuldu
Test - Marine Fishes of the Northern Indian Ocean icon

Test - Marine Fishes of the Northern Indian Ocean

This project is just a test, it will soon be updated.
Tiger beetles of the Palaearctic icon

Tiger beetles of the Palaearctic

We gather data on the tiger beetles (Cicindelidae) of the Palaearctic realm.
Weeds and Invasive Plants of Iran icon

Weeds and Invasive Plants of Iran

Early detection of invasive plants of Iran and track spatial distribution of weeds and Invasive Plants.
Wild felids of Iran icon

Wild felids of Iran

All the observations and signs of Wild felids in iran
Z-Draft beroe mitrata icon

Z-Draft beroe mitrata

draft project
Опасные животные Азии icon

Опасные животные Азии

Список опасных животных Азии
Чешуекрылые (Pyraloidea, Geometroidea. Tortricoidea) Палеарктики icon

Чешуекрылые (Pyraloidea, Geometroidea. Tortricoidea) Палеарктики

Огневкообразные, Листовертки и Геометроидные чешуекрылые (Pyraloidea, Geometroidea. Tortricoidea) Палеарктики
چغندر قند گرفتار              Trapped Sugar Beet icon

چغندر قند گرفتار Trapped Sugar Beet

a Trapped Sugar Beet captured found by Mr. Tafti, Hamid whose Farm produces 60 tons of Sugar Beets per hect...
گیاهان و حیات وحش ایران  |  Plants and Wildlife of Iran icon

گیاهان و حیات وحش ایران | Plants and Wildlife of Iran

فضایی برای مشارکت در گردآوری اطلاعات در مورد گیاهان و جانداران بومی ایران و یادگیری از دیگر دوست داران طبیع...
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