Orthoptera species missing from observations

See past post, "Species missing from our observations" for more information.
None of the below have been observed as a part of the City Nature Challenge (as of 11am on 4/29), but have been observed on iNaturalist in San Diego County.

If you are interested in strategically heading out to spot these species, on the iNaturalist Observations page, you can search by species name and the location (San Diego County, CA, USA). Then select the map view to see where these species were observed in the past to get an idea of where they might be found today and tomorrow.

Western Brush Cricket Hoplosphyrum boreale
European House Cricket Acheta domesticus
Long-chirp Field Cricket Gryllus multipulsator
Western Trilling Cricket Gryllus integer
Variable Field Cricket Gryllus lineaticeps
Western Tree Cricket Oecanthus californicus
Carolina Ground Cricket Eunemobius carolinus
Collared Ground Cricket Neonemobius mormonius
Broad-tipped Conehead Neoconocephalus triops
California Chaparral Katydid Platylyra californica
Mexican Bush Katydid Scudderia mexicana
Fork-tailed Bush Katydid Scudderia furcata
California Anglewing Microcentrum californicum
Greater Anglewing Microcentrum rhombifolium
Mediterranean Katydid Phaneroptera nana
Creosote Bush Katydid Insara covilleae
Western Longwing Capnobotes occidentalis
Genus Neduba

Stenopelmatus "mahogany"

Cnemotettix bifasciatus

San Diego Camel Cricket Ceuthophilus hesperus
Ceuthophilus fossor

Pristoceuthophilus pacificus

Greenhouse Camel Cricket Diestrammena asynamora
Tanaocerus koebelei

Saussure's Blue-winged Grasshopper Leprus intermedius
Caerulean-winged Grasshopper Trimerotropis pseudofasciata
Occidental Grasshopper Trimerotropis occidentalis
Topanga Grasshopper Trimerotropis topanga
Spurcate Grasshopper Dissosteira spurcata
Groove-headed Grasshopper Conozoa sulcifrons
White-lined Grasshopper Conozoa rebellis
Alkali Grasshopper Anconia integra
Creosote Bush Grasshopper Bootettix argentatus
Desert Clicker Grasshopper Ligurotettix coquilletti
Least Desert Grasshopper Xeracris minimus
Snow's Desert Grasshopper Xeracris snowi
Poecilotettix sanguineus

Valley Grasshopper Oedaleonotus enigma
Southern Coast Bush Grasshopper Aeoloplides fuscipes
Gray Sagebrush Grasshopper Melanoplus cinereus
Devastating Grasshopper Melanoplus devastator
Western Sagebrush Grasshopper Melanoplus complanatipes
Furnace Heat Lubber Tytthotyle maculata
Clear-winged Grasshopper Camnula pellucida
Fontana Grasshopper Trimerotropis fontana
Thalassica Grasshopper Trimerotropis thalassica
California Rose-Winged Grasshopper Dissosteira pictipennis
Texas Range Grasshopper Psoloessa texana
Spotted-winged Grasshopper Orphulella pelidna
Snakeweed Grasshopper Hesperotettix viridis
Differential Grasshopper Melanoplus differentialis
Green Valley Grasshopper Schistocerca shoshone
Gray Dragon Lubber Dracotettix monstrosus
Mexican Pygmy Grasshopper Paratettix mexicanus

Posted on April 29, 2018 07:30 PM by lmarino lmarino


It would be nice if someone found Cycloptilum distinctum, as well, said to be endemic to San Diego County.

Posted by silversea_starsong about 6 years ago

Thanks for adding @silversea_starsong

Posted by lmarino about 6 years ago

You can also add Conocephalus spinosus, although I think it may be the wrong time of year for that. A number of the listed species should be very possible from sound.

Posted by silversea_starsong about 6 years ago

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