Can you help us - more! - please with the 2019 survey

Thanks everyone who helped with the survey at Tokai Park in spring 2019. It was a most successful venture, thanks for all the enthusiasm and support.

We collected (observations and species):
Jun: 831 obs - 190 spp
Jul: 139 obs - 85 spp
Aug: 1111 obs - 264 spp (on 22nd: 478 obs on 143 species!)
Sep: 1898 obs - 295 spp (on 18th: 1224 obs of 220 species!)
Oct: 2519 obs - 350 spp (on 31st: 1272 obs of 240 species!)
Nov: 106 obs - 61 spp

[Note these are only the data useful for our analysis: data with too large "Locality Accuracy" - where high accuracy is small numbers and large errors are big numbers - will be excluded. If some of your data is missing, please revise your accuracy more precisely]

We are now into the identification phase. All observations have been placed to family level (except for a few: if you up to a real challenge then please why not try )

So if you have a favourite family or two and would like to review our data, then please click:
and add your favourite family or genus into the species box. Click on the first card to activate the ID tool.

If you would like to do a very quick review of everything, then you could quickly squizz over
[dont skrik, add your family or genus in the species box: just scan over them and open the few observations that look suspect), & click on the species tab to look for suspect species].

If you want to see how we are doing compared to the master list of Purcell (and Meadowridge Commonage) - sorry: plants only!, then look here:
[dont skrik - but be impressed! To see your family or genus type it into the "type taxon name" box: the list will tell you when last the species was seen at Tokai - if it was not seen it wont have the date. Note that this will show data that are less accurately mapped - to see the observations of any species at Tokai click the microscopic words "View All" (remember mouse-wheel-click keeps your original tab)]

Again. Thank you everyone!!! Hopefully we will have most of the outstanding identifications done within a week or two. If you know of anyone that can or is willing to help, please rope them in. You may need to show them the ropes, but that is the best way to learn by far!

Posted on November 26, 2019 08:29 PM by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


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