A Window of Opportunity - Sustainability Grant received!

January 2021 - Lilly Branch Audubon Society received funding to retrofit the Ecology building at UGA with bird-friendly window treatments. The transparency and reflectance of windows can prevent birds from perceiving them as barriers, leading many birds to crash into the glass mid-flight. Colliding with windows can stun, injure, or kill birds. Fortunately, window treatments that help birds recognize windows as barriers have proven effective in reducing the number of bird-window collisions.
With this pilot project, we aim to:

  1. Educate UGA and Athens community members about the problem of bird-window collisions
  2. Develop a procedure for retrofitting existing buildings with bird-friendly film
  3. Assess the success of the window treatments (compare spring 2021 bird strikes at the Ecology building to strikes at buildings of similar size and window area)
  4. Prioritize other UGA buildings for future window treatments

All observations submitted to this iNaturalist project will help us with aims 3 and 4!

To learn more about bird-friendly window treatments, visit

Thank you!

Posted on January 22, 2021 03:31 AM by isabellaragonese isabellaragonese


Hey, I'm giving a talk about iNaturalist on Monday (https://gmnhfriends.org/turtle-pond-talks). I plan on showing examples of how the community can engage in helpful science. I'll promote this!

Posted by rachelperezudell over 3 years ago

Thank you, @rachelperezudell !

Posted by isabellaragonese over 3 years ago

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