Last week we looked at how to identify tracks an animal made by their print (the shape of their indent). We counted toes, looked for claw marks, and examined the shape of various tracks to help identify the animal that made them. This week, we will dive into track patterns , which are FASCINATING!
All land animals move. For those animals with four legs, most of them move in similar ways, albeit at different times and speeds. Track patterns look at the spacing and alignment of the various prints, rather than the prints themselves.
Did you notice anything else? What gait was the lynx moving in when it was moving slowly? How about when it was chasing the hare at full speed? While many animals have a "standard" gait, most will use many different gaits while moving at different speeds. The above video is a great example of both animals changing gaits and sometimes using the same one.
This last video, midway down THIS PAGE, does a good job of showcasing the transition an animal makes as it moves through different gaits.
Finally, the below picture is a good representation of what these patterns might look like when you find them in the snow, dirt, or sand. Happy tracking!
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