A New Year

It's 2021 and I'm thinking about my iNat goals for the upcoming season.

My primary goal for this season's field play (I can't honestly call it work) is to delve into area where I haven't documented much. These include:

  1. Using UV lights in remote parts of the property, especially the sand prairie of the south tract and the Bogus Run bottoms and associated uplands. My goal is at least four evenings of documentation total, and at least two from both of these key locations. I've acquired a small Jeep to help do this, but still need to figure out battery power for running the lights. June-August seem the most promising times.
  2. Documenting common fish by collecting them with traps, hook and line, and maybe by net. I'm particularly interested in fish in Hook Creek. I want to collect (photograph, measure and release) at least three times, including at least once on the Lower Bogus, once on the Lower Hook and once on the Upper Hook. May-July seem the most promising times. If I get some crawfish, etc. all the better.
  3. Lower on my priority list - but still I'm hopeful to spend a bit more time in under-visited portions of the property. The woods on the cabin tract and south of 700S probably have more to offer.
  4. I'd like to do more video and audio recording, but not at the expense of the efforts listed above.
  5. Successfully photographing smaller pollinators is another goal but tends to be frustrating. I may need to alter my tactics a bit (extension tube? lights?)

We'll see how I do!

Posted on April 7, 2021 04:18 PM by martinlucas martinlucas


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