Journal 3: Adaptations in the River to Sea Preserve

Adaption is utterly important for organisms to survive in an environment. The three types of adaptation are adaptations to accommodate to the environment, adaptations to secure food and avoid being eaten, and adaptations to ensure successful reproduction. One example of an organism in the Matanzas River to Sea Preserve is the Blue Crab.
The Blue Crab adapts to accommodate to the environment by digging in the sand. By doing this, the Crab is changing the environment so that it has shelter. Without this, the Blue Crab would not be protected from things such as weather and predators.
The way the Blue Crab uses the second type of adaptation is extremely advanced. To secure food, the Blue Crab stores water inside of its body so that it can travel on land for longer periods of time. Without this, the Blue Crab could not search for food on land and would most likely starve.
The final type of adaptation is ensuring successful reproduction. The Blue Crab uses its pincers to attract mates. By clicking them, other crabs know this as a sign of reproduction. Without this, the Blue crab would not reproduce.

Posted on November 2, 2015 03:39 AM by i3zacharycoo i3zacharycoo


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