Mount Philo

March 18, 2016
This afternoon at approximately 2 pm I went to Mount Philo State Park and hiked up to the top observing the birds along the way. Due to the snow squall last night there was very little activity. As I began the walk I could hear multiple crows (2 or 3) and just before entering the trial head, a crow took flight above me. There rest of the way up the mountain there was really nothing to be seen or heard. I didn't even see any squirrels or other small mammals during the walk. Once reaching the summit I stayed there for about 10 minutes observing my surroundings. It was hear that I saw another crow in flight about 1/4 of the way down the hill. I also had two Black-capped Chickadees in the large section of bushes behind me.
On the way down the mountain, I once again saw no birds; however, I did see a grey squirrel about 1/4 of the way up a tree. Other than that squirrel I saw and heard nothing in the woods. The trail was also quiet with people. I only passed one other person during my hike on the trail. On the drive back I did see 2 Canada Geese by the pond right before the Golf Course on Spear Street. They were eating grass very casually near the road. Other than those 6 birds it was a very quiet first day of spring.

Posted on March 18, 2016 07:47 PM by mdpalmer mdpalmer


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American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos)




March 18, 2016

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Black-capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus)




March 18, 2016


Went on a lovely bird walk up Mount Philo this afternoon. I departed at about 2 pm. Woods were rather quiet today.

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Canada Goose (Branta canadensis)




March 18, 2016


Driving back from Philo at about 3pm saw 2 Canadian Geese by the pond near the golf course eating grass.


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