CNC:NYC Day 3 - Another wet day, but tomorrow's weather will be much better!

I hope everyone who was out in the rain today has finally dried off. It looks like tomorrow we'll be able to have a great last observation day.

Globally, all the cities together have just passed 1 million observations! Will we beat last year's 1.69 million observations?

Battle of the Boroughs update: We now have three boroughs represented! The Bronx has the most observations, Queens has the most species, and Brooklyn has the most observers.

We have one rescheduled event for Monday and the first of three ID parties! Info below and on the main event list

RESCHEDULED: City Nature Challenge Bioblitz: Seward Park
Date: April 29, 2023
Time: 5p-6:30p
Host: Lower East Side Ecology Center
Location: Seward Park Library. Register for more info.
Description: Join the Lower East Side Ecology Center to document species in LESEC's very own Seward Park! Bring your smartphone and we recommend downloading iNaturalist ahead of the event. Don't worry if you aren't tech savvy - we'll have plenty of support to show you how to use the app and to help troubleshoot any issues.
Registration: via eventbrite.

City Nature Challenge ID Party with the Torrey Botanical Society
Date: May 1, 2023
Time: 6:30p–8:30p
Host: Torrey Botanical Society and the New York Mycological Society
Location: Zoom
Description: The second part of the City Nature Challenge is the identification phase. The final city totals are not calculated until May 7, so users have until then to identify the thousands of observations made over the weekend! Grab your computer and your favorite drink, and join us for our ID Party on Monday evening. We will talk about identification techniques and tips for plants and fungi, and some identification features available on iNaturalist. Then we will explore the observations made over the weekend, and add identifications. No expertise is necessary—if you can tell a plant apart from a fungus or an animal, you will be able to contribute!
Registration: None needed. This is a direct link to the Zoom:

Virtual ID Party and Bingo
Date: May 2, 2023
Time: 5:30p-7:30p
Host: Billion Oyster Project
Location: Zoom
Description: Join the Billion Oyster Project for an ID party focusing on harbor organisms.
Registration: via Eventbrite.

City Nature Challenge NYC Virtual ID Party
Date: May 3, 2023
Time: 5:30p-7:30p
Host: Macaulay Honors College
Location: Zoom
Description: Grab a snack and a tasty beverage and hop on our Zoom with @klodonnell to make identifications together! No taxonomic experience necessary - everyone is welcome! The basic format will be a quick intro about how to ID observations and then you'll work on them on your own while on the call. We'll hang out and chat about the cool critters people have found or the funny observations people have made.
Registration: via Eventbrite.

Posted on May 1, 2023 03:52 AM by klodonnell klodonnell


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