A few tips

Hi everyone, we are off to a great start today, the weather is beautiful and clear, although it will be getting hotter this afternoon. I think rain is finally in the forecast. A few tips for identification.

  1. Take more than one picture. Sometimes it takes more than one picture for iNaturalist to identify a species. If you can take a closeup and a profile, that sometimes helps.
  2. Cultivated/captured. When you make an observation, iNaturalist includes an option for cultivated or captured species. If, for example, you know that a rhododendron in your yard has been cultivated, it would be good to note that.
  3. Sounds. I have been experimenting with uploading sounds. You can actually make a sound observation, without taking a picture of the object, e.g. a bird, and identify the species. Alternatively, you can identify a bird using Merlin (another app), and upload the sound later on, if you have a picture of the bird, using the phone or a digital camera.
    There might be better ways to sync the sound and the image, but I haven't figured out how to do that yet.

Good luck!

Posted on June 1, 2023 04:28 PM by mliebman mliebman


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