Upload and ID time!

The observing period is now over for this year's BioBlitz, but there is still lots to do! Now begins a two week period where participants can upload photos from cameras and people may also add IDs to the sightings in the project.
In competitive terms we are currently sitting in 3rd place for the number of species seen, and 9th overall for total number of observations. But with lots of photos still to be uploaded, anything could happen!
Thanks so much to all the identifiers adding IDs to our Coffs Region project observations, we appreciate you!!
Here's a great shot of a Wompoo Fruit-Dove (Ptilinopus magnificus) taken by @lanico during the event.


Posted on November 28, 2023 08:07 AM by nicklambert nicklambert


Super impressive effort Nick and everyone else who has contributed. Looks like we’ll get close to that 7000 observations. My first experience of this and working night shift the whole time limited my input but I’ll be totally up for this event next year, it’s a great concept!

Posted by urungaroger 7 months ago

Yeah, we've done ok this year!
It's a good excuse to go a little crazy (in my case anyway!), I love it.

I'll do a write up for the event after the 2 week grace period is finished. Been so busy, struggling to get my uploads done, let alone all the IDs!!

Thanks for taking part Roger, I know you were working crazy weird hours. Next year is the year!!

Posted by nicklambert 7 months ago

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