Final Update May 4th 2024- Congratulations to all and a request

We had an incredible event this year.

These are the stats for the last 2 years
--605-----771---- SPECIES

We had far more observations with fewer observers. (I have retired from teaching so that is 100 students who were not making observations this year) This is excellent participation. I hope everyone had a good experience and had fun cataloging our native flora and fauna. Good job pat yourself on the back.

Here is the request part of the announcement. I will be running the 2025 City Nature Challenge for the Providence area so I look forward to seeing you all again next year. If you are associated with any group or organization that would be able to help me promote the challenge I would like to hear from you. I am pretty good at the technical side of this project but I need partners to help me with promotion.

You can contact me by sending me an email at or you can reply to this message.

Thanks for a great year and I look forward to seeing you again next year.
Jim Rusconi

Posted on May 4, 2024 06:09 PM by jimrusconi jimrusconi


Great bioblitz!
Congrats to @michael5050, @mrgillen, @crazywolf828, @sheilamp, and @landarch202 for breaking top 5 most observations in the blitz.

Posted by rinaturalist about 1 month ago

People posted some pretty awesome numbers. Congrats to all

Posted by jimrusconi about 1 month ago

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