

First big addition of observations

I am adding observations to this project by looking through all bat observations uploaded to iNaturalist that include photos. To avoid looking over the same observations twice, I am going in order of when the observations were uploaded. It's actually pretty quick work since most observations are photos of the bats themselves so it's just quick scrolling and picking out the spectrogram observations and opening them in a separate from tab. From there I use my keyboard to quickly go through all of the tabs and add them to the project using keyboard shortcuts!

As of today, 4/30/20 (11PM Eastern time in the US), I have gone through all bat observations uploaded from May 1st 2019 to today, April 30th 2019. This means to keep this project up to date I will need to keep working backwards but also adding the spectrogram observations as they are uploaded in the future. Because it doesn't take very long to add them I think I should be done going backwards pretty soon although I might ...more ↓

Posted on May 01, 2020 03:15 AM by joemdo joemdo | 2 comments | Leave a comment

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This project is meant to collect observations that include bat spectrograms. Remember when looking through these spectrograms that some of the identifications may not be accurate and thus they may not be the best for comparing to your own spectrograms. Many observations will have identifications made by apps on phones/tablets that may have provided incorrect IDs!

In any case, many of ...more ↓

joemdo created this project on April 30, 2020
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