

New Observation Fields

I've finally added the observation fields to accommodate the data needed for the formal monitoring project (all but the specific buildings). This is something of an experiment - I may have to set up a separate project. Meanwhile, if those of you walking dedicated routes could fill out these new observation fields, I'd appreciate it. Feedback is welcome. For those of you contributing observations of window collision victims here that are not part of the formal monitoring team, the only fields that are required are (as before) - whether the bird is dead or alive; whether the cause of death is likely to have been a window strike. Of course, you're free to fill out the rest as well if you'd like. Thanks, all!

Posted on October 08, 2021 03:25 AM by annebekker annebekker | 0 comments | Leave a comment
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The purpose of this project is to monitor bird-window collisions in greater Philadelphia.* While this project was catalyzed by the historic bird-window collision event in Philadelphia on October 2, 2020, these collisions occur year-round - though most heavily during spring ...more ↓

annebekker created this project on February 19, 2021
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