Please help with identifications.

OK: it is raining. At last.
Now let us knuckle down the identifications.

Please all help. This is going very slowly. If we are going to hit our target of 75% of non-casual observations to research grade, we are going to need a team of 50 people working 4 hours for the remaining three days of the competition.

Please rope in anybody who can help!

URGENT:: First pass - no identifications::
Anyone can help with these. Just ID those that you can ID to family or lower for plants, or to the major group for animals (e.g. birds, fish, insects). We need to get this backlog cleared.
There are 18.437 still to be done:: that is 30%. Almost 1/3 of our observations have no ID at all. This backlog must be moved into the specialist domains - anyone can help!
.* Remember to FAVE for the observation of the CNC 2022 CT
.* Mark all pot plants as planted
.* Skip over anything you dont know (dont make "plant" IDs - leave them for someone who knows).
.* When you have done a page, mark it as done so that they wont be included in your workflow again.
.* !! How to use the ID tool:

URGENT:: Second pass - vague identifications::
Again, most people should be able to help. These tend to be a little more tricky, and tend to have poor observations included, making it slower work. But we still need to do it please. Many of these are cases of conflicting Identifications, so if you can help, please agree one way or the other.
There are 3,178 observations to be done here, so if you like a bit more of a challenge, you are welcome to work here.

375: 1st Pass:
404: 2nd Pass:

It is now time for the specialists to start getting active.

The aim here is to get to species level, from Family to Genus ID.
please use this link:
Please add your taxon of interest in the "search species" box and start the tool.
.* Remember to FAVE for the observation of the CNC 2022 CT
.* !! How to use the ID tool:
.* Focus on the rarer and exciting species, The more common species are less urgent at this stage.
We have 26,798 observations in this category (44%). So this is our most urgent. Please contact any specialists you know and please send them instructions! This is where the missing species are hiding, but we need the specialists to look at these.

We wont have time to review any IDs at all. That will have to be carried over to after the challenge.
But we do want Research Grade IDs.

Pass 4: getting Research Grade
If you know a group well consider helping out with these observations. Our goal is 75% which is nearly impossible but let us try!!!
Enter a group (family, genus) to speed up the process and make consulting your guides easier.

Lets go ...

Posted on May 6, 2022 09:05 AM by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


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